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When to hire the arborists for your property?

The best time to hire an arborist is when there is an issue with your tree or if you need professional advice about your tree. If you have a problem with trees, it is important that you deal with them right away. A tree can be damaged by any number of factors, such as storms, insects and disease. If the damage is not dealt with quickly, there may be long-term effects on your property, or even worse – death!

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What are the different services offered by arborists?

Arborists in Newcastle offer a variety of services. Some specialise in specific types of trees while others take on all types of work-related trees. Here are some examples:

Tree removal: Arborists from Newcastle will remove dead or diseased trees from your property without causing any damage to your lawn or garden plants. They will also remove dead branches from other trees that may be causing problems for neighbouring properties. They may also provide general advice about how to care for a healthy tree.

Tree pruning: An arborist in Newcastle will remove dead branches from healthy trees and trim those that need it so that each individual branch has the same amount of light reaching it as possible. Pruning helps keep your trees healthy and reduces the risk of damage through insects.

Fertilisation: An arborist from Newcastle will offer fertilisation services as part of their work with trees. Fertilising trees with nitrogen-rich fertilisers helps promote new growth and stronger roots which leads to better overall health for the tree in question.